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Your Beginning - E-Book

Your Beginning - E-Book

" No where ELSE will you be able to find the information provided in this E-Book as it is THE State-of-the-Art, Academically Accredited, Peer-Reviewed, and EXCLUSIVE ‘For Your Eyes Only’ filled with the most scientific researched and studied information on the PLANET. Be prepared for a lot of big words and smart-sounding statements that will have your head spinning because I will need to show you JUST how much more I know than YOU.

...Alright, now that we have those ridiculous expectations out of the way, let’s get to the truth:

Coach Michael here with Fuel n’ Burn Fitness. I am only going to go back briefly as it IS the driving force behind this E-Book and information provided."


18 Full Pages of the Bare Basics broken down to it's simplistic form for universal understanding and to get started on your health and wellness journey! A Home Workout and Gym Workout included, and how to create a simple Meal Plan for yourself!


All inside this book!

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