MeaL pLaNs
We have various meal plans to meet your needs. Scroll below to see all of the options we have available.
From 1 meal plan all the way up to 3 meal plans for the month, with each meal plan tailored to what YOU want to eat.
Before we begin, you'll receive a list of VARIOUS foods to pick from, and your meal plan will be created based on YOUR choices.
Let's get started!
Client Requested Meal Plans
Weekly Check-In's consist of email communication once a week based on Check-In's submission.
Weekly Phone Call Consultation are an extra $100/mo with Meal Plans
tHe Meltdown
The Meltdown Diet is for those that need to MELT weight down NOW.
Photoshoot coming up, wedding coming up, or going to the beach/lake/vacation and just want to bring down the numbers on the scale.
It’s effective, it’s challenging, it MAY cause a mental meltdown due to being in such a drastic caloric deficit, but it beats any bull-s**t fat burning supplement that’ll only burn the cash in your pocket.
Let’s get you melting down the weight in NO TIME!
30 Day Service
NOT for the faint of heart
You Pick your foods, *I pick your meals*
Metabolism Test included
3x/Week Check-in’s
5 Day Split/Double Leg Day workout Program Included