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MeaL pLaNs

We have various meal plans to meet your needs. Scroll below to see all of the options we have available. 

From 1 meal plan all the way up to 3 meal plans for the month, with each meal plan tailored to what YOU want to eat.


Before we begin, you'll receive a list of VARIOUS foods to pick from, and your meal plan will be created based on YOUR choices.


Let's get started!

Healthy Lunch

Clean Eating

  • Clean Healthy choices Meal Plan gives you access to AVATAR Nutrition App to track and create your own Meal Plans

  • Coach sets your calories and macros, and the software and you take care of the rest!

  • Coach available for progress, questions, and guidance.


Grilled Fish Steak

Mix it up

  • Two different daily plans at your request based on food list and access to AVATAR Nutrition App to track and create additional Meal Plans

  • Coach sets your calories and macros for the AVATAR.

  • Weekly Check in's, coach available for questions and guidance.

$95/Month for 2 meals

Fruit Shakes


  • 1 Meal plan tailored to your request based on food list and access to AVATAR Nutrition App to track and create additional Meal Plans

  • Coach sets your calories and macros for the AVATAR.

  • Weekly Check in's, coach available for progress, questions, and guidance.

$65/Month for 1 meal

Roasted Carrots

I love Options

  • Three different daily meals plans at your request based on food list and access to AVATAR Nutrition App to track and create additional Meal Plans

  • Coach sets your calories and macros for the AVATAR.

  • Weekly Check in's, coach available for questions and guidance.

$120/Month for 3 meals

avatar 1.png

Weekly Check-In's consist of email communication once a week based on Check-In's submission.

Healthy Food

tHe Meltdown 

The Meltdown Diet is for those that need to MELT weight down NOW. 

Photoshoot coming up, wedding coming up, or going to the beach/lake/vacation and just want to bring down the numbers on the scale.

It’s effective, it’s challenging, it MAY cause a mental meltdown due to being in such a drastic caloric deficit, but it beats any bull-s**t fat burning supplement that’ll only burn the cash in your pocket.

Let’s get you melting down the weight in NO TIME!

30 Day Service

  • NOT for the faint of heart

  • You Pick your foods,             *I pick your meals*

  • Metabolism Test included

  • 3x/Week Check-in’s

  • 5 Day Split/Double Leg Day workout Program Included


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